Pollinator the KIT version!

Pollinator, my home made Ice Cold Beer alike arcade game is going to be developed into a kit version so you can have one too!

Original Pollinator First iteration.
Original Pollinator First iteration.

I’ve created a Discord server to assist in the project so if you think you’d be interested in a kit or if you just want to follow along, check it out!

The following is a reprint of a Blog about the creation of the original ‘Pollinator’ I wrote for Maker Faire 7 years ago.

Pollinator: Making a Machine for Maker Faire

By James Watt, Mar 13, 2018

Hello everyone, Glasgow is getting a Mini Maker Faire! How exciting is that? To celebrate, the team thought it’d be great to invite local makers to write a few words about their builds and motivations for making. Since I’d never ask anyone to do anything I wouldn’t do myself, introducing “Pollinator”, my latest build.

Building Pollinator

So I’m building a machine. I’m always building something. I suppose people have all kinds of reasons to build. They may want to change the world with some amazing innovation. Maybe it’s a living or a hobby. For some of us, it’s a creative impulse—how we express ourselves, how we present ourselves to the world.

I’m no writer. I’m not terribly comfortable in the company of other people, but I do have that extrovert streak. Making things is how I show off. I think a lot of artists are showoffs at heart.

Pollinator with the front playfield removed.
Pollinator with the front playfield removed.

A Maker’s Beginnings

I think you can spot makers like us early. It starts with breaking things. It grows into taking things apart to see how they work. I’m sure it’s really annoying when it’s your things.

I’m really sorry I pulled the hands off Granny’s clock, Mum. But the cogs and gears made the best unofficial upgrade to my Lego set. I’m sorry I broke the TV too, Dad. I chipped the screen of our black-and-white set with a stray marble. The tube slowly gassed out, and the picture grew smaller and fainter over the space of a week or two.

Yes, I got in so much trouble, but once the picture faded to oblivion, my dad and I spent a day in the garage taking it to bits and making electromagnets from the salvaged wires. This is one of the fondest childhood memories I have of my dad, so yes, making things is an extremely positive thing for me.

Oh, and we rented a COLOUR TV after that. So it was a double win.

A tiny cathode ray tube from a video camera viewfinder.
A tiny cathode ray tube from a video camera viewfinder.

Cathode Ray Tube Watch? Why Not?

Yes, I’m still taking black-and-white TV sets apart because… you joke, “Wouldn’t it be cool to have a smartwatch with a cathode ray tube screen?” Then you think… actually, I really want that to exist. And you realize, you have a new maker goal.

(I should probably point out that large coiled springs and TV tubes can both be dangerous, so don’t give ’em to your kids to take apart. This was the ‘70s after all. We didn’t know any better.)

Anyway, the cathode ray tube wristwatch isn’t the subject of this blog—it’s a distraction. I never make one thing at a time; I’ve always got several pieces of nonsense on the go at once.

No, this blog is about “POLLINATOR”, my Christmas project. (Yes, I know it’s March.)

The Inspiration Behind Pollinator

I love old arcade machines, both video games and the earlier electromechanical marvels. I had the idea of using Arduinos and microcontrollers to create arcade game sculptures—like electromechanical games, but using electronics to take some of the work out of building the incredibly complex and cunning mechanical brains these machines depended on.

I was also inspired by Tim Hunkin’s wonderful and whimsical amusement machines.

I’d played a game called Ice Cold Beer at a few game shows and discovered it was based on a traditional pub game. A ball is dragged up a playfield, covered in holes, with two strings. It’s pretty simple compared to some arcade games, but it’s very addictive and fun.

The Build Process

The design actually sat in a sketchbook for a couple of years. But at the end of last year, I was messing around with 3D printers a lot.

I realized I was looking, not only at the tool to build Pollinator, but also at the mechanics I required.

Pollinator screw linear actuators,
Pollinator screw linear actuators,

I bought a bunch of 3D printer parts and fired up my own 3D printer to do all the difficult bits. But the majority of the material came from B&Q and scraps from the garage.

Pollinator woodwork.
Pollinator woodwork.

Pollinator is basically:

  • A box with holes drilled in it
  • A bunch of switches
  • Two linear actuators (like those found on 3D printers)
  • A suspended bar with a ball bearing balanced on it
Pollinator leaf switches.
Pollinator leaf switches.

Collaborating with Other Makers

I really enjoy collaborating on projects like this.

When a friend suggested ‘flowers’ as a theme, the game quickly became about a bee, moving from flower to flower (Pollinator, get it?) and avoiding the carnivorous plants (holes).

Expanding on the idea, we had to include the frantic “Flight of the Bumblebee” music, which gave me an excuse to rope in another pal who does amazing things with microprocessors and music.

Sound effects: covered.

I have one more collaborator: my mum.

She paints. I had a blank playfield. She likes painting flowers… how could I say no?

One Van Gogh sunflower number for the playfield, thank you very much.

Pollinator sketch for playfield art by Isabel Watt.
Pollinator sketch for playfield art by Isabel Watt.

Where Pollinator Will Be Showcased

Pollinator is still a work in progress. I’ve got some interesting plans for the controls, and the code still needs a lot of finessing. But it’s playing!

It’s been a great deal of fun to put together with my fellow makers.

It’s going to appear at:

  • Edinburgh Mini Maker Faire
  • Newcastle Maker Faire (maybe!)
  • Glasgow Mini Maker Faire in July

(Assuming there’s room for it!)

Join the Glasgow Maker Faire Adventure!

So the Glasgow Maker Faire adventure begins.

I hope you enjoyed this inaugural ramble. We’d like to bring you regular blogs from Glasgow makers, so if you’ve got an interesting project or story you’d like to share, please give us a shout, and we’ll post it up!

📩 Contact: James G Watt – jim@clockworkrobot.com

Tomytronic 3D & My Latest Invention: The TomyLight

Tomytronic 3D Thundering turbo and TomyLight illumination system.
Tomytronic 3D Thundering turbo and TomyLight illumination system.

Back in 1983, Tomy released the Tomytronic 3D game Sky Attack. I was 12 years old when a schoolmate got one, and I was given a single go at it. I didn’t see another one for a couple of decades, but that brief experience left a lasting impression on me.

The game—and the series it launched—featured incredibly crisp, bright, and colorful graphics, all in glorious 3D! A very early precursor to virtual reality, the effect was achieved using an LCD screen module with two almost identical images printed on it. The handheld game itself resembled a pair of binoculars. Sunlight backlit the screen, while a system of mirrors and lenses transported the two images to your eyes, creating a stereoscopic 3D illusion—similar to a View-Master or early Victorian stereograms.

Tomytronic 3D Sky Attack stereo screens.
Tomytronic 3D Sky Attack stereo LCD screens.
Tomytronic 3D Shark Attack and View Master
Tomytronic 3D Shark Attack and View Master

The Tomytronic 3D Game Lineup

Five games were released in this amazing form factor:

  • Sky Attack – A Space Invaders-style game where you pilot a tank and shoot down aircraft that look suspiciously like Tron Recognizers.

    Sky Attack
    Sky Attack
  • Thundering Turbo – A NASCAR-inspired racing game.

    Thundering Turbo
    Thundering Turbo
  • Shark Attack – You play as a psychotic scuba diver armed with a harpoon, determined to turn sharks into exploding chunks of chum.

    Shark Attack
    Shark Attack
  • Planet Zeon – A high-speed Star Wars-like Death Star trench run, dodging and shooting enemy ships while collecting fuel.

    Planet Zeon
    Planet Zeon
  • Jungle Fighter – A multi-level game requiring precise timing as you swing on ropes, avoid hippos, and stab crocodiles in the face (yes, more retro animal cruelty, are you guys at Tomytronic ok?). This one is fiendishly difficult.

    Jungle Fighter
    Jungle Fighter

Two other games, Sky Fighter and Sherman Attack, were also released, but they had a slightly different form factor and included stereo sound (which was still terrible).

The Big Flaw… and My Solution

The Tomytronic 3D was an absolutely superb series of handheld games, but did you spot its one huge flaw?

👉 It requires a strong light source—preferably direct sunlight—to play.

I live in Scotland. It’s February. That means this thing is playable for about three hours a day at best!

Enter my latest invention: The TomyLight.

Introducing the TomyLight

The TomyLight sits on top of the Tomytronic 3D, held in place with elastic bands. It’s compatible with all five original releases and features an array of LEDs that shine into the skylight of the game, illuminating the screen brightly and evenly.

  • Brightness control knob for adjustable lighting
  • Rechargeable battery (via micro-USB) for many hours of play
  • Includes an instruction leaflet & presentation box

With the TomyLight, you can finally enjoy hours of uninterrupted gameplay, even in the gloomiest conditions. No more struggling to find the perfect angle under the living room light or precariously balancing a torch under the covers at bedtime.

Available Now!

I’ve built about 120 of these, and they’re available in my shop for £45 each.

Happy gaming!

The Defender Project.

A Defender restoration project.

Defender before and after.
Before and After. De-converting a classic Defender cab.

I still remember my first ever game of Defender. It’s 1981, I’m 10 and I’m playing games like Space Invaders, Asteroids and Pac-Man at the local sports center. These games are great but Defender is a stone cold classic of hard core gaming. The other games had a claustrophobic atmosphere, you’re trapped in a maze, the invaders are pressing down on you, the asteroids are closing in from all sides but Defender, ZZOOP, you materialise above the mountains and launch yourself forward, skimming over the surface of the world at blistering speed. Freedom, exhilaration, and BOOM, you smash straight into a Lander, burning fragments of colour explode, screaming to all four corners of the universe. You’re dead and it’s your own damned fault. Defender is a brutally hard game.
This is how that first game went:
Oh, perhaps I’ll leave this game to the bigger boys.
Seriously, even the control panel is mounted a good 2 inches higher than all the other arcade games. That should have been a clue.

Game Over
Game Over

Arcade game collecting and restoration has unfortunately become a bit of an expensive game of late. The days of this being about playing with junk everyone else wants rid off are gone, but I was lucky enough to pick up a few cabs before the prices went nuts. But if you’re lucky and willing to take on a project, maybe there are still a few rough cabs out there to grab. I managed to get a Defender cab for £80 many years ago. It was a gutted Jamma cab but I put it back together and played it for several years. Just before “THE COVID TIMES” I traded that cab with another arcade collector for some cool stuff including another gutted project Defender cab. This is the cab we’re going to talk about.

So what condition was this cab in? Well in 1980, Defender was hot stuff, but by 81 or 82, players were looking for a new thrill and rather than throw out a perfectly good cabinet and monitor, the practice was to convert the cab to run another game. Many of these games did not stand the test of time and are not considered the masterpieces that Defender is. Ultimately most of these cabs were converted to “Jamma”. Jamma in an industry standard that lets you plug in and swap game PCBs easily without having to modify the control panel, power supply and wiring. Sadly in meant the original control panels, electronics and marquees were often junked. This is the condition that my new Defender cab was in.

Jamma converted Defender.
Defender, converted to Jamma.

So lets look at what we needed to do.

Marquee, Fortunately the original marquee and monitor bezel art have survived on this cab. That’s nice. The bezel has had someone’s initials carved into it, Meh, I can live with that. I’m not into restoring cabs to make them look like new. I’m happy if they run and look like they did in the arcade. A few battle scars are fine.

Control panel, Bit of a mess. The original wooden panel was in there but it had been drilled to bits to add additional buttons and joysticks making it comply to the dreaded Jamma standard.

Wiring, completely gone. It had been mangled and cut up to such an extent that virtually nothing but a couple of connectors remained of the original.

Power Supply, mostly gone. The power supply in a Defender arcade game consists of a large transformer that provides electrical isolation for the monitor and supplies several other AC voltages for the analogue power supply and coin door. Transformer brick present and correct. Power supply board gone and replaced with a Jamma switch mode power supply.

Game electronics. Gone. Williams, the company that made Defender had a long tradition of building pinball machines. Defender was the first arcade video game they put together but they carried over some of the pinball legacy. You find similar hardware in both and it does give Williams video games of the time a rather unusual layout with separate PCBs, all performing very specific functions, all plugged together with ribbon cables. So I’m going to have to dig around to get a set of those, and the big metal plate they mount on, that was missing too.

Finally the lovely Electrohome GO7,  19” Cathode Ray Tube monitor. I have half of one of those 🙂 So another thing that’s happening to many classic cabs is the monitors are being replaced. Because they can be tricky to repair, people are increasingly substituting a modern flat screen LCD module. These people are monster. They should be hunted down and made to pay for their crimes.(ok, maybe not, I can understand people just want a game that plays but it does hurt our hearts, some of us, when we see these beautiful pieces of curved analogue glass. phosphor and magic replaced with a flat soulless LCD screen). I’ve got the tube but the chassis, the PCB with all the electronics on it is gone, replaced with a more modern (1990s?) chassis. I’ve got no idea if it works and I’m not testing it right now because the wiring looked like someone had dumped a plate of spaghetti down the back of my machine.

The project sat neglected for a year or two but last summer, I decided it was time. Defender would live again.

I just emptied the cab. Apart from the marquee light fittings, everything came out. I was going to get this thing running on the bench before putting it all back in the box. Much easier to work that way.

everything removed from the Defender cab.
It’s an empty!

Control panel first. I bought a set of leaf buttons in the correct colours (so many buttons, one of the other things that made Defender such an intimidating game back in the day), a reproduction perspex control panel with all the original Defender art on it, and a reproduction of the 2 way Defender joystick. It probably would have been simpler just to remake the wooden control panel but even though it was mangled, I just like having the original part in there if I possibly can. So I filled and sanded all the offending holes and assembled a new control panel. Looks and feels great. There is one thing that annoys me a bit, the plastic trim should have a leather finish on it but because the perspex panel is a little thicker than the original sticker, I couldn’t find leather effect t-molding wide enough to cover it, so a plain piece is in there. It’s a small defect. I can live with it.

Control panel done, on to the power supply. I’ve got the transformer. Missing the linear power supply, should I try and acquire one of those? Well yes, if I get one I will probably install it but right now, well, there is a danger here. The original power supplies are 40 years old. If you have one you need to rebuild it because if it fails, and it will fail, It will shoot some catastrophic voltages over your very expensive and difficult to repair or replace game logic PCBs. Now, remember that Jamma power supply I mentioned earlier? That’ll do. I picked out a few other voltages from the transformer to run the coin door lock-outs and lights, added a great big capacitors to the 5 volts .. for reasons, and I should have a working approximation of a Defender power Supply.

Defender power supply.
Frankenstein’s Defender power supply.

The Game logic PCBs. These consist of a main board containing the processor and RAM, a board with the ROMs. A dedicated sound board, straight out of a pinball machine and capable of producing a very early and crude form of sound samples, sounds GREAT, and finally the “widget” board, an interface board that handles the control panel inputs. Now, if you’ve owned a cab for a while, you don’t pass on the opportunity to acquire spare parts and PCBs and luckily I had a set of working Defender board in the stash. I’m a bit like Smaug, sprawling on top of a mountain of arcade components and spares. Another collector answered my appeal for an original Defender logic board mounting plate and all the PCBs were installed. All ready to go, just need to wire it up, Easy.

Defender boards.
Defender PCB set.

The wiring loom, did I say easy? 😮 This is the most tedious and yet most critical bit. Get this wrong and you can kill a lot of rather expensive kit pretty quick. The wiring in this cab was…. have you seen Terry Giliam’s Brazil? So I just started from scratch. There is a chap who sells rather nice reproduction wiring looms for various games and I almost bought one of those, but I decided, it was a bit pricey and it’s just wires, I can do that. By the time I’d bought all the wire and connectors I was beginning to think, maybe not so expensive? And once I built the thing, his product was looking like a bargain to be honest. But I built it myself. You do the power first. Then you check it … and you check it again … you check it a few more times, Then the terror moment. You plug it in. FINGERS CROSSED. No smoke, no popping sounds, it’s looking good, all the PCB test lights light up as they should and it looks like all systems are go! Quick, scrabble around for a speaker! Yup, plug in a speaker and it’s all sounding good, Boot sound. Coin up sounds, Game sounds? It’s running. All I have to do is check the monitor!

Not a GO7 chassis
A non original replacement chassis for my G07

It’s summer, 2022. In fact it’s the hottest day on record in Scotland EVER! Yes, I pick that day to drag my Defender cab out, remove the 19” monitor, and carry it down the stairs and out to my garage. The older I get the heavier these things become. I’ve tidied up the wiring on the monitor, I’ve secured the replacement chassis. It was originally just lying randomly at the bottom of the monitor with a piece of polystyrene food packaging acting as the insulator between the high voltage board and the metal monitor casing. Power supply, game PCBs, control panel, monitor and speaker all connected up. I plug it in … and … it works! I was really worried about that monitor but not only does it work but it’s bright and sharp, it’s probably the most beautiful monitor I have! Woo-hoo,

Defender guts.
Defender running out side of the cab.

There’s no coin door yet so I ground one of the wires destined to connect to the coin mech, the game coins up and I hit start … nope, won’t start, no game inputs, dash into the house, find a second interface board and swap it in, power, coin, start, YES we are playing DEFENDER! That’s the rest of my day, sitting in my garage playing Defender on a disembodied arcade machine.

Disembodied Defender
Playing disembodied Defender

The nervous system of my Defender cab sat in the garage for a few more days as I dreaded the prospect of carrying that monitor back up the stairs to reunite it with its body but I eventually mustered up the energy and all the components were mounted in place and reconnected. Thank goodness I fitted furniture gliders to the bottom of the cab. It was brutal moving the thing around before that, now it glides around gracefully, like a ball room dancer…. or a Dalek.

Defender, Dalek mode.
Furniture gliders makes Defender much easier to move around.

It all got put back together, tested, the back door replaced and the machine pushed back against the wall. It’s complete! It’s Defender, I can play one of my 4 all time favourites once again. Coin up, 1 player game, ZZOOP, BOOM. ZZOOP, BOOM. ZZOOP, BOOM, yes I still suck at this game, but I love it.

Defender insides.
Defender electronics and cabinet reunited.

The job was and still is not entirely complete. It took me a month or two to revisit the project and get the coin door sorted out. That was a project on its own but I have to have the coin door lights up and running and also the coin lock out mechanism. That mechanism is completely redundant if it’s a home machine, I’m not going to throw a wobbly if I put a coin in and the game doesn’t work (that’s what the coin lock out mechanism does, locks the coin shoots if the machine isn’t operating) but I like the CLUNK sound as the machine powers up so I needed it running.

A Williams Coin Door
The coin door needs a lot of work.

Most arcade machines can be placed on “FREE PLAY” but there’s something about the ceremony of coining up an arcade game that I love and feel is a vital part of the experience. I keep a big tub of old 10 pence and 50 pence pieces with my arcade games for this purpose (and a roll of American quarters for my Joust cab).

Old"new" 10 pence and 50 pence coins.
!0p and 50p coins to coin up my arcade games.

My coin door is still short a few parts (if anyone has the coin actuator pins for a Williams coin door, do give me a shout) but it’s pretty much all done. Time to work on my Defender game and sort out the non functional Joust cocktail I also snagged in trade for my previous Defender. I’ve got to get some gliders under that sucker. It is impossible to move.

Defender, all up and running once more.

If you are lucky enough to find yourself in possession of a project Williams arcade game like Defender, Stargate, Robotron, Joust, Sinistar, Bubbles or Blaster, and need some help with it, I highly recommend the WILLIAMS DEFENDER PLAYERS UNITE Facebook group. There area loads of friendly people there with resources and expert knowledge they are always happy to share.

If you’d like to follow my retro arcade game or Art projects please check out my web page:

Zzoop … Boom!

Chimney Hunt 2020

Chimney Hunt 2020 edition and matching collector pin, available NOW.

The game on novelty PCB is 20 pounds and each collector pin is 6 pounds. If you’d like one just email me.

2020 has been hard on us all and due to Covid restrictions, Cyber Santa can’t afford to make enough presents AGAIN!

The gifts he’s lost over the years whilst delivering down chimneys would be enough to cover the shortfall if only there was an economic way to collect them all.

Elf boffins from the temporal engineering department to the rescue. By adapting the space folding technology that lets Santa deliver presents to 7 Billion people in one night, they’ve managed to space-warp every chimney on earth into one gigantic mega-chimney.

You must fly down the mega-chimney and collect all the lost presents to save Christmas.

Dare you enter the Mega-Chimney?
Good Luck!

Chimney Hunt novelty PCB for Vectrex
Chimney Hunt novelty PCB for Vectrex
Chimney Hunt Collector Pin
Chimney Hunt Collector Pin

Vectrex Collectors Pins

I’ve designed a set of Vectrex collector pins.

Vectrex collectors pins.
Vectrex collectors pins.

Very much inspired by the Atari collector pins, these are hard enamel badges roughly 3cm in size.

Stramash Zone pin.
Stramash Zone collectors pin.

I’ve had a test run of the Stramash Zone pin manufactured and am pretty pleased with the results. If it looks like there’s a demand i’ll get the others made one at a time (i’d love to get the lot done at once but it costs money).

Stramash Zone pin.
Stramash Zone collectors pins.

These should appear in the shop eventually.

OH, if you happen to have an Atari Crystal Castles, Liberator or Quantum collector pin, I’d be keen to buy or trade you something very nice for it.

Quantum, Crystal Castles and Liberator.
Looking for Quantum, Crystal Castles and Liberator Atari collector pins.


The J.I.B. A Vectrex joystick interface board.

Vectrex Joystick Interface Board.

Joystick Interface Board

The Vectrex Joystick Interface Board (JIB) is a device that allows you to attach digital joysticks, arcade control panels and all kinds of other devices to the Vectrex, very simply, using a common ground.

Wiring a joystick and 4 buttons.

This is designed to be a way of hooking the Vectrex up to digital joysticks and buttons that is simpler than the currently popular hack. It was developed so I could hook my Vectrex up to an unmodified asteroids control panel but it has uses way beyond that. It even allows connection to micro controllers like arduino and raspberry pi so the potential is almost limitless.

Not only does the JIB have large breakout lugs that will accept crocodile clips or banana plugs, or can be soldered to directly, but it also has header sockets that allow hats or shields to be attached to expand the devices capabilities. All manor of custom interfaces can be designed and added.

Joystick Interface Board and blank “shield” or “hat” board.

If you would like one of these boards they are now available in my shop.



Ultraviolet Glowing Vectrex Overlays

There’s a lot of exciting things being created for the Vectrex all the time. It’s remarkable how much support this ancient console has and it’s not just games. People have been developing controllers, light guns, speech synths, extra processors, 3D Imagers and all kinds of peripherals for it.

One of the loveliest and most original innovations has to be the UV Overlays recently created by Laurence Bennion. His overlays are printed in invisible UV inks which are revealed as beautiful glowing lines when illuminated with a UV light source. These luminous graphics complement the glowing vectors generated by the Vectrex perfectly.

UV overlay Grid and 2D Narrow Escape
UV overlay Grid and 2D Narrow Escape

 You can use large UV lights to activate the overlays or you can mount UV LED strip to your Vectrex, that works well too.

A selection of UV overlays created by Laurence Bennion.
A selection of UV overlays created by Laurence Bennion.

I took it a little further though and created a mounting frame that masks and angles the LED strip for optimal viewing.
I’ve created 2 variants:

  • 24 LED version that’s powered by a 12 volt mains power supply (not included).
  • 12 LED version that draws power directly from the Vectrex joystick port.

If you would like one of these illumination systems they are now available in my shop.

Right Click here to download the manual.

If you would like some of the wonderful overlays, contact
Laurence Bennion on facebook or drop him an email at

If you want more information, the subject has been discussed extensively in Vectex fans unite!

ASTEROIDS DELUXE with UV overlay and 5 Volt UV Frame.
ASTEROIDS DELUXE with UV overlay and 5 Volt UV Frame.
AZTARAC with UV overlay and 5 Volt UV Frame.
AZTARAC with UV overlay and 5 Volt UV Frame.
AZTARAC with UV overlay and 5 Volt UV Frame.
AZTARAC with UV overlay and 5 Volt UV Frame.
Stramash Zone with UV overlay and 5 Volt UV Frame.
Stramash Zone with UV overlay and 5 Volt UV Frame.

Shine on you crazy diamonds.

Chimney Hunt

Merry Christmas.
My present to you, a free Vectrex game. Get the rom below.

Chimney Hunt.

It’s Christmas time but disaster! Due to price increases Santa can’t afford to make enough presents!
The gifts he’s lost over the years whilst delivering down chimneys would be enough to cover the shortfall if only there was an economic way to collect them all.
Elf boffins from the temporal engineering department to the rescue. By adapting the space folding technology that lets Santa deliver presents to 7 Billion people in one night, they’ve managed to space-warp every chimney on earth into one gigantic mega-chimney. You must fly down the mega-chimney and collect all the lost presents to save Christmas.

Dare you enter the Mega-Chimney?

Good Luck!

DOWNLOAD: ChimneyHunt

Stramash Zone. Some notes.

I thought i’d share some of the notes and sketches i did in creating Stramash Zone. These are pretty obscure and random. They’re not designed to be viewed by anyone but me, but I thought some of you may like an insight into how my brain works. Messy, isn’t it?

Stramash Zone is available now in the shop.

Stramash Zone available now.

Stramash Zone Available now in the shop!

Stramash Zone for Vectrex, in development since 2013 ! is FINALLY available to buy.

Battle tanks, missiles and rockets on the baron surface of mars because.. baron surfaces are easiest to render.